* Different drum sounds mix with video from various drumming concerts
* Different instruments being played together
* People creating sound with their body to a tune
1. an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color.
2. the tones or sounds employed, occurring in single line (melody) or multiple lines (harmony), and sounded or to be sounded by one or more voices or instruments, or both.
3. musical work or compositions for singing or playing.
4. the written or printed score of a musical composition.
5. such scores collectively.
6. any sweet, pleasing, or harmonious sounds or sound: the music of the waves.
7. appreciation of or responsiveness to musical sounds or harmonies: Music was in his very soul.
8. Fox Hunting. the cry of the hounds.
9. face the music, to meet, take, or accept the consequences of one's mistakes, actions, etc.: He's squandered his money and now he's got to face the music.
1. the sensation produced by stimulation of the organs of hearing by vibrations transmitted through the air or other medium.
2. mechanical vibrations transmitted through an elastic medium, traveling in air at a speed of approximately 1087 ft. (331 m) per second at sea level.
3. the particular auditory effect produced by a given cause: the sound of music.
4. any auditory effect; any audible vibrational disturbance: all kinds of sounds.
5. a noise, vocal utterance, musical tone, or the like: the sounds from the next room.
6. a distinctive, characteristic, or recognizable musical style, as from a particular performer, orchestra, or type of arrangement: the big-band sound.
7. Phonetics.
a. speech sound.
b. the audible result of an utterance or portion of an utterance: the s-sound in “slight”; the sound of m in “mere.”
8. the auditory effect of sound waves as transmitted or recorded by a particular system of sound reproduction: the sound of a stereophonic recording.
9. the quality of an event, letter, etc., as it affects a person: This report has a bad sound.
10. the distance within which the noise of something may be heard.
11. mere noise, without meaning: all sound and fury.
12. Archaic. a report or rumor; news; tidings.
–verb (used without object)
13. to make or emit a sound.
14. to give forth a sound as a call or summons: The bugle sounded as the troops advanced.
15. to be heard, as a sound.
16. to convey a certain impression when heard or read: to sound strange.
17. to give a specific sound: to sound loud.
18. to give the appearance of being; seem: The report sounds true.
19. Law. to have as its basis or foundation (usually fol. by in): His action sounds in contract.
–verb (used with object)
20. to cause to make or emit a sound: to sound a bell.
21. to give forth (a sound): The oboe sounded an A.
22. to announce, order, or direct by or as by a sound: The bugle sounded retreat. His speech sounded a warning to aggressor nations.
23. to utter audibly, pronounce, or express: to sound each letter.
24. to examine by percussion or auscultation: to sound a patient's chest.
—Verb phrase
25. sound off, Informal.
a. to call out one's name, as at military roll call.
b. to speak freely or frankly, esp. to complain in such a manner.
c. to exaggerate; boast: Has he been sounding off about his golf game again?