Remix and Remixabilty
Remixing as been around for awhile, and for a long time people have got other peoples works and colloborated together to create new works that include all the information.
If a traditional twentieth century model of cultural communication describedThis paragraph taken from the text is the best description of what remixing is today, and what is happening with the internet and the ammount of information that is being circulated around, and the need for open source media and material is increasing as more and more users get online to add in there ideas and inputs into different ideas and concepts.
movement of information in one direction from a source to a receiver, now
the reception point is just a temporary station on informations path. If we
compare information or media object with a train, then each receiver can be
compared to a train station. Information arrives, gets remixed with other
information, and then the new package travels to other destination where the
process is repeated.